The knowledge information app is to make the Bangladesh Delta Plan information accessible to a wide range of users to facilitate information and knowledge services using smartphones. It is delivered location-specific information that is supports planning and decision making in line with the activities of Adaptive Delta Management. The app information is grouped into different thematic areas such as Delta Plan 2100, Water Resources, Agriculture, Environment & Disaster, Socio-Economic, Spatial Planning & Land Use, and Climate. Moreover, the app can present information on a map, chart, table, and text format. The obtained info can be sent via social network.The app development work is underway under the JCP sub-project “Information for Impact” led by CEGIS and Wageningen University & Research. The Joint Cooperation Program (JCP) is a long-term knowledge sharing and capacity building program between the Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS), Institute of Water Modeling (IWM), Bangladesh, Deltares and Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) in Dhaka, Bangladesh.